Salmon Turtle Sliders Lunch

by Beau Coffron of @Lunchboxdad


It's back-to-school time, which means every parent is looking to refresh their bank of school lunch ideas! Why not start with Kvaroy Arctic salmon burgers?

One Kvaroy Arctic salmon burger patty not only tastes great to adults and kids alike, but also provides the weekly recommended amount of omega-3s. If you've never thought of including a salmon burger patty in your kid's lunchbox, now is the time to try something new.

A great way to serve it is as a slider with a turtle theme! It's easier than you think to send this with your kids next week. Just order some Kvaroy Arctic salmon burger patties from Amazon and follow my directions below. Any variety such as original, cheese, jalapeno and cheese, or other flavors will work well!


Cook salmon burger patty on stove top until done. Cut two circles out of patty using circle-shaped cutter or knife. Do the same on a piece of bun or bread, making sure you have a top and bottom.

Place desired condiments and vegetables on bottom bun and top with salmon burger patty. Cut pickles into fins, tail, head, and shell pieces. Arrange as shown in photo. Place bun top on the side in lunchbox. Put in main compartment along with any background you want. Two ideas are lettuce or rice.

In one side compartment drop in yogurt and top with graham cracker crumbs and yogurt covered raisins for sand and turtle eggs.

In second side compartment, place blueberries and cheese cut into the shape of a fish.

Your kids will remember that you put the extra love in their lunch and you will appreciate that you found a new way to serve them salmon!


National Seafood month — Here’s what’s happening!
