National Seafood month — Here’s what’s happening!

As an American woman of Afro-Caribbean descent, seafood has long been a significant part of my family table and a favorite of mine.

I remember hearing discussions about the need to modify tourism practices in Trinidad and Tobago to preserve coral reefs and turtle populations, especially related to glass-bottom boats.

From a young age, I began to understand the importance of protecting our oceans and their interconnectedness with all that they touch. As an RD, a mom, and a person who cares deeply about the future health of our planet and its inhabitants, I feel that education on aquaculture — the farming of fish, seafood, seaweed, and sea vegetables — has to be brought to the forefront of health and nutrition conversations.

We cannot have a healthy planet if we don’t prioritize the health of our oceans. We won’t have nutrient-rich seafood to enjoy if we don’t think about the health of our planet. It’s a bidirectional conversation. And we can’t talk or think about democratizing food systems if we don’t prioritize people, access to safe affordable nutritious food, and the planet.

I look forward to diving into the world of seafood and aquaculture with all of you during National Seafood Month!

Here’s what’s happening on my Instagram account as well as Kvaroy’s! Follow along so you don’t miss a thing!

October 5 — Tune in with Momfluencer Masha Goins for a ‘Mom and Dad Guide to Fish & Seafood’. We are talking about it all: how to get kids eating fish, common concerns around eating seafood for pregnant and nursing moms, and what to look for at the market!

October 7 — Kvaroy Arctic is going LIVE with Becca Millstein of Fishwife to talk about the new launch of Kvaroy Arctic Smoked Tinned Salmon.

October 8 — It’s National Salmon Day! On the Kvaroy Arctic channel you can cook along with grill master and Chef Eric Gephart to make an epic salmon dish the whole family will enjoy.

October 12 — Let’s discuss the importance of championing kid’s nutrition in schools by integrating fish and seafood! I’ll be joined by the dedicated leaders of Wellness in Schools (WITS) Laurielle Clark and Marion Williams.

October 14 — Kvaroy Arctic will be going LIVE to talk about an exciting new product coming out in partnership with PureFish!

October 21 — Let’s talk with Dermatologist Dr. Bowe to unveil the benefits an Omega-3 rich diet can have on your skin and overall health!

October 21 — Want to know more about Kvaroy Arctic’s deliciously smoked salmon? They are going LIVE with Santa Barbara Smokehouse to tell you how they do it!

October 26 — Norwegian company Sjy has found a new, sustainable, and delicious way for foodies to get essential omega-3 fatty acids into their diets! Join me to talk about Vegan Sea Chips!


how to make nutritious “fast food” salmon jars


Salmon Turtle Sliders Lunch