How to Include Seaweed in Your Daily Diet

Do you know that the most nutrient-dense vegetable on Earth doesn’t grow on land? It grows in the oceans — and it does it thirty times faster than land-grown veggies! Yes, we are talking about seaweed! As a marine vegetable, seaweed has been a traditional food in many parts of the world for centuries, and we are so excited that in the last few years, it is becoming more and more recognized for its health and sustainability benefits. 

Seaweed is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It is especially high in iodine, which is important for maintaining healthy thyroid function, as well as in other minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Seaweed is also a good source of protein and fiber, and it is low in calories, making it a healthy and nutritious food option.

In addition to its nutritional value, seaweed is also sustainable to cultivate and harvest. It grows quickly and requires minimal inputs, making it an environmentally friendly food source.

Our Kvaroy family loves pairing salmon and seaweed in various ways. If you're looking to add more seaweed into your diet, there are many delicious ways to do so. 

Ways to Eat Seaweed

One of the most popular ways to eat seaweed is in the form of dried snack chips or sheets. These are made by thinly slicing seaweed and dehydrating it, and they have a crispy, savory flavor that is similar to potato chips. Dried seaweed snacks can be added to soups, salads, hearty bowls, as a side dish to your baked salmon — you name it! 

Another way to enjoy seaweed is in the form of flakes or powder. These can be used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes: like on top of your salmon in soups, salads, and stir-fries. What’s more, seaweed flakes or powder can also be added to smoothies or mixed into dips and spreads for a boost of flavor and nutrition.

Fresh seaweed can also be used as a wrap for sushi, fish, or mixed into salads. Some types of seaweed, such as dulse and nori, can also be eaten raw as a snack.

Seaweed can also be cooked in a variety of ways. It can be boiled and served as a side dish, or it can be added to soups and stews. It can also be grilled or baked and served as a main course.

If you feel like going deeper into your seaweed cooking immersion, you can also add it to a fudge as Lisa Scali from Ocean’s Balance shared with us. We do agree, seaweed fudge sounds awesome! Check out the recipe here

More Marine Veggies

There are 9 times more seaweeds in the oceans than there are plants on the land! And this year we are committed to putting this incredible marine veggie on our plates even more often. That’s why we kicked off January with a special initiative called “Turning a New Leaf,” and we invited our favorite seaweed brands to join us in our efforts to shine more light on the benefits of seaweed for people and nature. 

All the companies below are committed to using sustainable and ethical practices in the cultivation and harvesting of their seaweed products, including using eco-friendly farming methods and supporting local communities. Seeing the potential for seaweed as a nutritious and sustainable food source, these companies also work with restaurants and food manufacturers to develop seaweed-based ingredients and products.

If you are a health-conscious person looking for nutritious and environmentally-friendly food options, we invite you to keep reading and to check out the brands below.

Atlantic Sea Farms 

For more than 6 years, the Maine-based Atlantic Sea Farms has specialized in the sustainable farming of seaweed and shellfish. Founded by a team of passionate marine biologists, fishermen, and environmentalists, who saw the potential for seaweed and shellfish to be grown in a sustainable and responsible way, the company is committed to using environmentally-friendly aquaculture techniques, and to supporting the local community in Portland and the surrounding area.

Today, Atlantic Sea Farms operates a state-of-the-art seaweed and shellfish farm in the Gulf of Maine. The farm uses innovative techniques to grow a variety of seaweed and shellfish species, including kelp, mussels, and oysters. They offer an exciting range of value-added products such as seaweed snacks and seasonings, seaweed burgers, and even fermented seaweed in jars with different traditional flavors like sea beet kraut, sea-chi, and seaweed salad. 

Photo credits: Atlantic Sea Farms Facebook page.

Ocean’s Balance

Ocean's Balance offers a range of seaweed-based products, including seaweed snacks, seaweed flakes for seasoning, seaweed powder for use in smoothies and other dishes, and seaweed-based, vegan pasta sauces, which are incredibly delicious!

In addition to its food products, Ocean's Balance is also committed to educating the public about the many benefits of seaweed and its potential as a sustainable food source. The company works with schools and community groups to promote the importance of sustainable seafood and the role that seaweed can play in a healthy diet.

Check out their rich recipe library here.

Photo credits: Ocean’s Balance Facebook page.

12 Tides 

Seaweed is a sustainable and versatile ingredient, and 12 Tides Seaweed Co. knows it. They’ve made it their mission to produce high-quality seaweed products for both food and non-food uses. 

12 Tides offers a range of seaweed-based products, including seaweed snacks, seaweed flakes for seasoning, and seaweed powder for use in smoothies and other dishes. They also produce seaweed-based products for non-food uses. These include seaweed-based skincare products and fertilizers for agriculture.

Photo credits: 12 Tides Seaweed Facebook page.

SJY Seaweed 

Based in the Arctic Circle just like Kvarøy, SJY Seaweed (meaning “ocean” in the local language, pronounced like the English word “she”) is a fellow Norwegian company that is dedicated to producing sustainable and high-quality seaweed products. 

SJY Seaweed offers a range of seaweed-based products all of which have an amazing taste: dried seaweed snacks, seaweed flakes for seasoning, and seaweed powder for use in smoothies and other dishes. Our favorite way to pair their snacks is with our canned smoked salmon that we make with Fishwife. We also use them as a base for smoked salmon and cream cheese canapes for parties and gatherings.   

Photo credits: SJY Seaweed Facebook page.

Playing with healthy flavors is our vocation and we hope you will surprise your palate with the culinary adventures that seaweed can take you on!


Seaweed Crusted Salmon


In 2023, Your New You is a Bite of Salmon Away