10 Resolutions to better planet and people

We’ve all just rung in the New Year with great relief, but 2020 gave us the valuable lesson that while change is difficult, it’s necessary. Now that 2020’s come and gone, it’s time to think of the new year ahead and what we want to change for the better.

Indeed, there's a science to achieving goals and making life changes, whether you pick January 1st or any other date on the calendar. As hard as it is to avoid falling back into old habits and to keep the new ones we resolved to create, everyone has the ability to make and keep meaningful changes in their lives, no matter their age or how deeply-embedded their habitual ways of engaging with the world are. By making resolutions, people are ten times more likely to attain their goals, according to research in this field.

At Kvaroy Arctic, we are no different. We know that as a company – no matter how much we are striving towards continuous improvement – without the stake of our intention firmly planted in the ground, we will not achieve what we hope.

In December, as a team, we had the honor of working with Simon Sinek’s group to articulate our purpose – our “WHY.” They showed us that every company knows the WHAT. They can describe their products, their industry, and their competitors. Some companies also know HOW they do WHAT they do — their unique differentiators, their value proposition and their values. But few companies know or articulate their WHY — their purpose, their cause, or their belief. The WHY is their reason for being.

From our CEO Alf-Gøran Knutsen and the Olsen family, who are the founders of Kvarøy Arctic, our WHY is clear. It has been our North Star since 1976.

It reads: “Quality of life for the world’s children in 2050 depends on our decisions today. Every decision we make must stem from a deeply rooted commitment to protecting the planet for future generations. There’s an old saying, ‘We do not inherit the world from our parents. We borrow it from our children.’ This is the tenet from which all of our actions are based.”

In 2021, we are even more committed to being part of a contributive food system that is vital for those to come and our honored to share our 2021 Resolutions:

Engage in Collaborations

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call-for-action to all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. In 2021, we hope to laser focus our efforts on supporting these important global goals. We aspire to work with other farmers and fishers to develop a constructive, solutions-based dialogue around the role of sustainable aquaculture working in tandem with well-managed fisheries.

Invest in the Next Generation

As a third-generation family farmer, we see that the future is in the hands of our children – both the children who are being raised and going to school on our island, Indre Kvaroy, and those around the world. Children are the future of this farm, the island economy, and the role that aquaculture will play in a sustainable food system as the global population grows. We are committed to finding ways to be more resolute in education programs, investment, and connection, and outreach. Follow our journey with the hashtag, #FridaysForFuture.

Volunteer More

As we enter 2021, food banks will have a shortfall of much needed volunteers – in some areas, more than 50%. Volunteering time to help improve the community is a great way to give back. Team Kvaroy Arctic will strive to support our local communities through volunteerism.

Support Organizations That Advocate For & Conserve the Environment

We will support the efforts of environmental organizations. These may include the National Resources Defense Council, Ocean Conservancy, Ecotrust, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and World Central Kitchens. We will also encourage local organizations working in communities around the globe.

Promote Greater Access to Nutritious Farmed Fish & Seafood

We are committed to a truly circular system around the rearing of nutritious salmon that is good for you and good for the planet, and has purpose behind it. We are working with groups such as the Seafood Nutrition Partnership and others to further our impact on bringing nutritious sustainable salmon to those that need it most.

Ditch One Bad Habit

At Kvaroy Arctic, we are committed to continuous improvement on our farms and as individuals. No one and no company is perfect. We cannot expect perfection overnight, but with consistency, it’s entirely possible to achieve the goal and replace the bad habit with a better practice. Watch as a company and as individuals, as we commit to this effort!

Learn a New Language

For those of us who have had aspirations to learn a new language, now is the time. Kvaroy Arctic’s team is one-third American and two-thirds Norwegian. The team based in Norway speaks perfect English, so it’s time that the American team attempts to get on board and learn the language. Let’s see how we do!

Drive Diversity & Inclusion

Founded in 2020, the Kvaroy Arctic Women in Aquaculture Scholarship fund provided a starting point for what we hope would become a much broader effort to support women in the field. We are resolute in our commitment to expanding this program, its reach, and impact in 2021 through specific diversity initiatives.

Encourage Sustainable Wellness

When we developed our blue feed in partnership with Biomar and Corbion, it was only the beginning. We know that we have to be hyper-focused on continuous improvement of our fish farming practices to deliver a nutritious fish to market that is utilizing more innovations in feed models.

Educate Kvarøy Kids

Through our A.C.T.S. program (Art, Culinary, Technology and Science), we will engage in primary school programs, build campaigns to encourage kids to understand where their food comes from, and why that matters. We will work to educate a generation of kids that understands the importance of a truly sustainable food system, in which aquaculture plays a key role.


lemon garlic salmon bowl


Salmon Mushroom Pot Pies + wine