Spicy Salmon Avocado Toast Bites

Recipe, Photography, Blog by Silvia Salas-Sanchez

From the time my children were babies, one of the most delightful things to watch were them running to the fireplace on a Christmas morning with eyes of anticipation and excitement. No matter how big they got, my heart was so full to see them wake each other up…and sprint to the living room to open their gifts on those crisp mornings. To this day, my children love the holidays—and I am so happy that this season of the year brings back memories of joy and peace for them. I am thankful that as a mother, I have been able to nurture such pivotal moments for their lives and to provide an emotional reference for them, so that as adults, they would be drawn back by the gifts that could never ever be purchased, and those are LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS.

From my own childhood, I can remember the long drives to visit my Abuela, who at the time lived in Tijuana; the latenight smell of fire burning as we sat outside the starlit evenings, drinking champurrado and eating homemade pan my Tio Jose would prepare. The aroma of fresh tamales as they cooked over the open flame, and the sound of laughter over the joyful rhythm of Los Tigres Del Norte. It became the soundtrack for my personal holiday memory and it was what I feel in my heart as I prepare for the seasonal celebrations.

In reality, those memories are the things that light my way home for the holidays Not literally, but figuratively speaking, home is the place in our hearts that remind us that LIFE is not just about things…but rather, they are the moments that we felt the safest, the most loved, and the most at peace.

So now, as we prepare for the holidays—we also prepare to light the beacon of love, hope, and peace for our children and our family—to the moments that we can all be together, with hearts of gratitude—allowing all the unimportant things to be forgotten momentarily—and just be a family.

This year, I’ve added these delicious “Spicy Salmon Avocado Toast Bites” to our holiday gathering, thanks to Kvaroy Arctic salmon. While my daughter loves all the authentic Mexican flavors, my son loves salmon–so I got creative just to keep everyone happy! Food should bring us together; so be prepared to figuratively “Light the Way Home” for everyone this season…because nothing says home like food.


  • Kvaroy Arctic salmon portions

  • Butter

  • Garlic

  • Lemon

  • Paprika

  • Lemon Pepper

  • Pepper Flakes

  • Salt

  • Avocado

  • Bolillo


Season Kvaroy Arctic salmon with salt, lemon pepper, paprika and pepper flakes to taste..

In a large pan, melt 1 tbsp of butter per 5 oz of salmon.

Add chopped-up garlic to the butter with lemon pepper, paprika, and salt to taste.

Sauté until the garlic is aromatic.

Add salmon to the pan and cook on all sides until done. Salmon should be at 145 degrees when ready.

In the meantime, slice the bolillo (or baguette) into small pieces, spread with butter and toast them.

To make the avocado spread, remove the avocado from its shell and place in a small bowl. Add salt and pepper flakes to taste.

Spread avocado over toasted bread, add shredded salmon pieces or chunks, sprinkle some pepper flakes and cilantro and serve. Provecho!




winter spiced gravlax (gravlaks med vinterkrydder)