Our 10 New Year's Resolutions for 2022

Kvaroy Arctic Island in Norway

We’ve all just rung in a New Year with great relief as 2021 went out with a bang. The lessons learned in the past year are invaluable as our team continues to adapt to the ongoing global changes while furthering our mission to bring the world a sustainably raised salmon. Our tradition continues as we put a stake in the ground to always look forward and strive for continuous improvement and impact. We are filled with gratitude as we see that so many of you — from our customers to our supplier, production, and transportation partners—have supported our efforts and continue to teach us what is possible. And as we transition into a new year, we do so with much humility.

A humble journey, as writer Joshua Becker once shared, leads to contentment, patience, forgiveness, and compassion. People who practice humility tend to reflect and focus their energy on others.

At Kvaroy Arctic, humility offers us the chance to listen, embrace, and be open to improvements. In some ways, it gives us a complete sense of freedom to innovate rather than working from the desire to impress, be right, or get ahead. It doesn't mean that we won’t feel frustration or loss, but as a humble company, we'll always create room for self-reflection and thinking on how we can be driving a positive impact. This philosophy is central to our CEO Alf-Goran Knutsen and our entire team.

In that spirit, we are honored to share our 10 resolutions for 2022:

1. Introduce People to Blue Foods

At a time when the earth is under tremendous strain, it is important for each and every one of us to recognize how we can support a greener BLUE economy. At Kvarøy Arctic, we want to amplify and support the role that “blue foods” —sustainable foods from the water, both on land and in the sea— play in global food systems now and into the future.

2. Highlight Aquaculture’s Seat at the Table of the Future of Food

Aquaculture has become the world’s fastest-growing food-production technology, and Kvarøy has been lucky to be a part of this movement. More than 90% of the world’s aquaculture production takes place in developing countries, where it contributes to food security directly through consumption or indirectly as a source of income. Seafood is a main source of animal protein in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. But we know that we can do better. We can do more to amplify these efforts and inspire farmers to become more sustainable. Our goal is to bring Kvarøy to the forefront of policymaking in an effort to propel change in the policies and practices that will shape the future of food both within the industry and outside in the retail and foodservice space.

3. Support the Building of Aquaculture Systems That Are Resilient to Climate Change

It is clear that the aquaculture industry has great potential to provide a healthy and sustainable protein for future generations, but change is needed to ensure its future, especially as the results of climate change, like warming waters, have an impact on the rearing of blue foods. While there is no silver bullet in making this possible, there are many opportunities to help the industry move in the right direction. Kvarøy can only do so much on its own. We are only as good as our neighbors and as the industry at large. By stating our intention, we are going to design a conversation around collaboration and growth for the industry at large.

4. Promote Wellness & Mindfulness

Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots. It is not a passive or static state, but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices, and actions as we work toward an optimal state of health and wellbeing. Wellness is influenced by the physical, social, work, and cultural environments in which we live. In 2022, beyond being focused on the wellness of planet and purpose, we will link awareness and choices that cultivate health, well-being, and the ways that we take care of ourselves and each other.

5. Drive Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is about empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin. It means understanding one another by surpassing simple tolerance to ensure people truly value their differences. This allows us to embrace and celebrate the rich dimensions within each individual and place a positive value on diversity and inclusion in our own communities. At Kvarøy Arctic, we want to work to recognize this in all aspects of what we touch—from the language we use in our posts to the charities we pick for our donations and even to the recipes we make. Salmon is not a heritage fish in all communities. But when approached and prepared in the right way, it can create a path of common ground that is desperately needed. In simple terms “diversity is the mix and inclusion is getting the mix to work well together."

6. Support Access to Immunity-Building Foods

During this time of ongoing stress, people are seeking special foods or vitamin supplements to boost immunity. Vitamin C and foods like citrus fruits, chicken soup, and tea with honey are popular examples. Yet the design of our immune system is complex and influenced by an ideal balance of many factors, not just diet, and especially not by any one specific food or nutrient. However, a balanced diet consisting of a range of vitamins and minerals, combined with healthy lifestyle factors like adequate sleep and exercise and low stress, most effectively primes the body to fight infection and disease. Salmon is certainly one "superfood" that contributes to a strong immune system. At Kvarøy, we are committed to digging deeper into this conversation around omega-3s and the immunity-boosting effect that they have.

7. Get Out Of Our Comfort Zone

Growth often starts when you exit your comfort zone. And when it comes to sustainability and innovation, the Kvaroy brand never gets too comfortable in our current state. We are always pushing the boundaries and striving for better. We want to further highlight our commitment to getting out and staying out of our comfort zone through the idea of learning and growing through the exploration of uncharted territory.

8. Create a “Greener” Moment

We are acutely aware of the challenges we face due to environmental pollution. At Kvarøy Arctic, we know that it is essential for us to reduce the usage of non-renewable resources as much as possible. In 2022, we will commit to sustainable product packaging for all of the fish that we raise. This start will keep us moving forward with the path of achieving the global challenges that we are facing now and into the future.

9. Connect to Our Neighbors & Community

We live in a day and age where a lot of people don’t know their neighbors. With busy schedules, we're often more connected to our phones than to each other. We might be friends with hundreds of people on social media, but we’re lonely for true connection. In 2022, we will get to know our neighbors, connect with our communities and our customers, and form bonds over sustainable ingredients and shared values.

10. Learn a New Skill

At Kvarøy Arctic, we feel like if you aren’t trying new things, you aren’t growing. So we have all pledged that we will learn something new that can help to enhance the work that we do!

What are your resolutions or intentions for 2022? Share them with us on Facebook and Instagram and tag us at @KvaroyArctic!


Salmon En Papillote


Salmon Bara Chirashizushi - simple Japanese recipes