Gin and Pink Peppercorn Cured Kvarøy Arctic Salmon

This recipe brings out the richness of Kvarøy Arctic salmon and takes a short 20 minutes of prep time.  The only ingredients required are coarse kosher salt, pink peppercorns, dill and gin. This recipe is best if you leave it to cure for at least 36 hours – ideally three days in the refrigerator. You can be make it ahead! It is the perfect straight from the refrigerator recipe. Just slice and serve up anytime of the day! It is perfect for breakfast with bagels or toast, for lunch with a salad or for dinner with toast and vegetables!

Serves 6

For the Salmon

  • 2 lbs piece of Kvarøy Arctic salmon fillet, skin on, scales and pin bones removed

  • 1 tbsp juniper berries

  • 2 tbsp pink peppercorns

  • 6 tbsp coarse kosher salt

  • 6 tbsp sugar

  • 1 tbs of fresh dill sprigs, chopped

  • 5 tbsp gin, we love our Kvarøy Norwegian gin with this! 

For the Sauce

  • 3 tbsp Dijon mustard

  • 2 tbsp soft brown sugar

  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh dill

  • Toasted brown bread


Line a baking sheet with plastic wrap and place the salmon on it,  skin side down. Crush the juniper and peppercorns lightly. Mix in the salt, sugar and gin.  Press the mixture over the salmon. Wrap the plastic wrap tightly around the salmon. Put another baking tray on top and weigh it down with bowls or cans. Place in the refrigerator for at least 36 hours or ideally, 3 days.

Unwrap the fish and remove any liquid. Pat the salmon dry. Re-wrap with plastic wrap. This can be placed back in the refrigerator and will keep for up to 5 weeks.

For the sauce, mix the mustard, sugar, vinegar and egg yolk with salt and pepper. Gradually whisk in the oil as you would for mayonnaise, then stir in the dill.

To serve: Thinly slice the salmon on the bias taking care not to cut through the skin. Place the slices on a platter with the brown bread toasts, a small bowl of the mustard sauce and extra sprigs of dill.


The Frozen Pantry