Crustless Salmon Quiche with Rainbow Microgreens

Recipe & Photography by Umeko Motoyoshi

  • 1/2 pound Kvaroy Arctic Salmon, cubed

  • 1-2 handfuls of rainbow microgreens (rainbow microgreens are a selection of different kinds of greens sprouts) Alternately, use any kind of diced greens like kale, collards, chard

  • 8 eggs

  • 1/3 pound cream cheese, cut into cubes

  • 1 cup milk

  • 1 teaspoon dried dill

  • Salt & pepper to taste


Whisk the eggs with a fork.

Add the milk, salt, pepper, & dill. Whisk some more.

Add the salmon, cream cheese & microgreens. Use your fork or Umeko Rainbow Spoon to gently mix everything together.

Pour into a baking dish (can be greased, but I did it without & it turned out fine). Use a spoon or fork to evenly distribute the chunks of salmon & cream cheese.

Bake at 375F for 45 minutes or until golden brown.

I recommend serving with a dash of lemon juice & a cup of coffee!

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Cinco De Mayo Salmon Salad


Grilled Whole Salmon for a Crowd